莫丽·哈特莉的驱魔 BD1280高清电影下载

◎译  名 莫丽·哈特莉的驱魔

◎片  名 The Exorcism of Molly Hartley

◎年  代 2015

◎国  家 美国

◎类  别 恐怖

◎语  言 英语

◎IMDb评分  (voting begins after release)

◎IMDb链接  http://imdb.com/title/tt3800796/

◎导  演 史蒂文·R·蒙若尔 Steven R. Monroe

◎主  演 戴文·萨瓦 Devon Sawa

      吉娜·赫尔顿 Gina Holden

      琼恩·柯 Jon Cor

      Sarah Lind

      Melissa Marie Elias

      Tom McLaren

      Scott Johnson

      Kristen Harris

      Ashley Hirt

      Bradley Sawatzky

      Kate Yacula

      Tom Keenan

      Daina Leitold

      Robert Borges

Taking place years after The Haunting of Molly Hartley, who now, as an adult, has fallen under the possession of an evil spirit and must be exorcised by a fallen priest before the devil completely takes her.

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