地牢围攻3 BD1280高清电影下载

◎名  称: In the Name of the King III
◎其他名称: In the Name of the King III
◎国家地区: 美国
◎I MD B:3.2
◎豆  瓣:N/A
◎风  格: Action , Adventure , Drama
◎发行年份: 2014
◎上映日期: 2014-02-26(Japan)
◎语  言: English
◎字  幕: N/A
◎评  级: R
◎文件大小: 1.63GB
◎片  长: 1h 26mn
◎导  演: Uwe Boll
◎编  剧: Joel Ross
◎主  演: Dominic Purcell
      Ralitsa Paskaleva
      Bashar Rahal
      Nikolai Sotirov
      Petra Gocheva
      Joan Mihailov
      Marina Dakova
      Fahradin Fahradinov
      Anatoli Netchev
      Tatyana Pedersen
      Daria Simeonova
      Stefan Spassov
      Shelly Varod
      Yavor Vesselinov
◎简  介:

An modern-day assassin, wanting out, is hired for onefinal job - to kidnap the kids of a local businessman. Things go haywire when itturns out he's chosen to return to the Middle Ages and bring back order to akingdom in chaos.

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