英雄联盟 BD1280高清电影下载

◎译  名 英雄联盟

◎片  名 Taking Earth/FindingCam

◎年  代 2016

◎产  地 南非

◎类  别 科幻

◎语  言 英语

◎IMDb评分  2.8/10 from 392 users

◎IMDb链接  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4290974/

◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 2 users

◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/26890322/

◎导  演 格兰特韩福瑞

◎主  演 罗南昆比、布莱德理查、芭芭拉哈里森、马可托拉杰、理查苏瑞森


An unexplainable event that has thrust the world into chaos brings two survivors together as a portion of the worlds population presumably infected by a strange outbreak, hunt them. These Infected Ones (IO’s) seem motivated by an obsession to rein chaos with a need for tasting blood. The two survivors; David (Ronan Quarmby) and a teenager named Cameron (Marco Torlage) form a bond as they try to find their lost loved ones, but the young man has a secret about the outbreak – all is not as it seems. A race from another world are orchestrating this attack on Earth as they hide in the skies, searching for the one out of seven billion people… searching for Cameron. Controlling the IO’s who are gripped in a bicameral state, time is running out as the ‘Visitors’ patience is waning and a greater threat faces our world if the boy is not found. David must help Cameron find his mom, Ellen (Barbara Harrison) and do what they can to stop the alien attack. 




ftp://d:[email protected]:12311/[电影天堂www.dy2018.com]英雄联盟HD高清中字.mkv

ftp://t:[email protected]:12311/英雄联盟HD高清中字[飘花www.piaohua.com].mkv

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